Ho Tam

Visual Art:

 Being On Time

Being On Time

Site-specfic Installation (screenprint on blackboards)

Dimensions: 38" x 40" ea. (97 x 101 cm ea.)

Set of 3


Exhibited at Central Technical High School, Toronto


Being On Time is an interactive exhibition designed to use art as a means of tearing down barriers between the high school and the surrounding community. Organized by Public Access, the exhibition also includes site-specific installations by James Carl, Shawna Dempsey & Lorri Millan, John Greyson, Mike MacDonald, Kelly Mark, Michael Snow and Lisa Steels & Kim Tomczak.


"My contribution to the project are three blackboards with printed graphics, the first one representing our diverse community(s), the second about the city of Toronto and its dream of becoming an world class city, and the third a falling Maple leaf in face of the changes of globalized economy. These blackboards are placed in the hallway and white chalks are provided - inviting the students to put down their marks and comments. In a sense, the roles of teachers and students are somewhat reversed while the students are given the rights to express themselves." - Ho Tam