Ho Tam
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Visual Art:
The Yellow Pages
Artist's book, 54 pages, 4.25 x 5.5 inches
colour xerox on parchment paper, set of 26, 14 x 10.5 inches ea.
inkjet prints on rice paper, set of 26, 19 x 13 inches ea.
Exhibited at:
The Yellow Pages (1993) explores the stereotypes and cliches on Chinese and Asian cultures in the North American context. This first printing is in an edition of 250 copies, photocopied on golden brown cover stock and ivory pages.
The book was adapted into a 8 minute video piece premiered at the Union Station in Toronto.
In 1998, Gallery 101 (Ottawa) reprinted The Yellow Pages by offset printing.
In 2016, Ho Tam updated the original with a new issue under the Hotam series.